American All Areas DVD

American All Areas DVD

Beitragvon Ax Slinger » Do Nov 04, 2004 5:02 am

This is a review, no scratch that, rant on the American Version of the All Areas DVD. As I expected, the music is top notch. The band performs with their usual precision and excellent musicianship. But as far as the production of this DVD goes, can you say "Polished"? I bought this DVD expecting a Live Saga Concert. You know, an introduction, the continuity of one song leading to another, the banter between the band and the crowd between songs, and a suitable climactic show ender.

There is no introduction at all. The beginning of the first song, "Careful Where You Step", starts with a long distance shot of the stage, then when they show a close up of the band, they're already dripping in sweat, implying that it was either extremely hot in Bonn, Germany that day, or that they had already been playing and this was not the first song of the show at all. Then at the end the screen fades to black, the audio fades out, and then nothing. Next song, and continuing thoughout the whole DVD, same thing. No continuity at all.

Now I realize that most likely this was NOT a Saga desicion. And they probably didn't decide to make the US version different than the European version either. But this is just lame. Now as I said, I bought this DVD expecting a Live Saga Concert. What I got was 15 individual live videos on one DVD. The only merit this DVD has is that it is Saga, and not some flunky band. There are several parts where the music doesn't match the video. Such as there was one part on "Compromise" where Ian Critchton is holding a single note on his guitar, but the video shows him playing multiple notes. (In his lightning fast manner.)

Then we get to the bonus material section of the DVD. There is a section on "Gear", which in my opinion should include everything the band uses. The PA system, the keyboards, guitars, basses, drums, lights, everything. Not on this DVD though. There'sa two or three minute bit of Jim Gilmour describing the Keyboard setup, and that's it. No mention of what types of equipment anyone else uses at all. As far as the rest go, there was one shot of all the logos for the companies who made the equipment they use which came across as advertising more than anything else, and that was all. They made a special section on the DVD for that?

As far as highlights go, my favorite part was at the beginning of "The One" when Ian Critchton played the intro though a Marshall Mini Stack Practice Amp, which Michael Sadler was holding a micrphone to. Now that was classic... That was the best sounding Marshall Mini I ever heard. Also of note was "A Brief Case", which though this video I finally understand where the name comes from... And as a guitar player, I was particularly paying attention during Ian Critchton's solos. (Which is how I happened to notice this DVD is extremely polished, even if some of the editing is pretty bad.)

On a scale of 1 to 10, I rate the performances on this DVD as:

Musically: 10 (Excellent musicianship.)
Stage Presence: 5 (I was expecting this highly professional band to have much stronger stage presence.)
DVD Production: 3 (No continuity to speak of...)
Set List Choice: 7 (No "On The Loose"? What's up with that?)

Uschi hat geschrieben:DVD- wise you get a lot to see for your money with All Areas. Yet for a concert feel the Official Marathon Bootleg might be more interesting.

After having seen this DVD though, I now understand what this means... Too bad I can't get that one. Is it legal to record MP3's in Germany like it is in Canada? If it is, maybe someone could record this show for me? I would gladly buy it, if I could get it...
Ax Slinger
Beiträge: 71
Registriert: Mo Nov 01, 2004 6:03 am
Wohnort: The Lost Coast

Beitragvon Uschi » Do Nov 04, 2004 9:53 am

After having seen this DVD though, I now understand what this means... Too bad I can't get that one. Is it legal to record MP3's in Germany like it is in Canada? If it is, maybe someone could record this show for me? I would gladly buy it, if I could get it...

You should be able to get the Official Bootleg from the Saga store on their new homepage, though I don't know if it's up and running yet. It largely contains footage filmed from the position of the audience. Thus you don't get the same on stage view as on All Areas but you get certainly a feeling how it is standing in the audience ( ... nt&id=1069 ).

How ever, thanks for your review :)
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Registriert: So Jul 21, 2002 2:00 am

Beitragvon ted the mechanic » Do Nov 04, 2004 11:05 am

Those are some good points. Musically All Areas is excellent. I haven't bothered to watch the extras. They aren't going to win any awards for being showman(i.e. I mean like chorographed movements and special affects...they just basically play). I got an Iron Maiden DVD and the problem with it is you have indiviually play every song on moving from song to song. At least, All Areas does go from song to song despite the blackout periods. Even worse, I got Yesspeak, it doesn't show any moving live footage just various photos from the concert...major bummer on that one...I sold it on ebay, quickly. All areas is still one of the best dvd's of any of the bands I've owned so far. I got Rush live in Rio...energetic crowd...some good live performances but I can't understand the deal with the washing machines behind geddy lee?
ted the mechanic
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Registriert: Do Nov 04, 2004 10:54 am

Beitragvon danny » Do Nov 04, 2004 11:27 am

ted the mechanic hat geschrieben: I got Rush live in Rio...energetic crowd...some good live performances but I can't understand the deal with the washing machines behind geddy lee?

Hi Ted, welcome on the board :D

I saw Rush in September in Frankfurt and they had these washing machines on stage, too. Some time during the show some roadies came and changed the clothes in the machines and at the end of the show the band threw the wet clothes into the audience :) I think it was just a joke.
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Beitragvon Uschi » Do Nov 04, 2004 11:32 am

but I can't understand the deal with the washing machines behind geddy lee?

Maybe they look for a major sponsor in the detergent industry :lol:

A comparison between Rush in Rio and All Areas is not appropriate imho as Rush held actually three concerts in Brazil. If they would have had just one shot like Saga and this would have been Sao Paulo they would have been busted.

And in honour of All Areas it has to be sed that the circumstances of the concert coming into being were quite desastorous. The extras contain a bit where in a short version those circumstances are told. I had the pleasure of hearing this story in a slightly more detailed version from Mike Eills and I can't help it but I feel respect for how the guys pulled off that show.

It would be nice though to learn the reason behind mixing up the sequence of the songs... ah, never mind the footage of Daryl playing his castle makes up for a lot!!!!! :D

Btw, welcome ted, should we have something to fix, may we call on you?
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Registriert: So Jul 21, 2002 2:00 am

Beitragvon Ax Slinger » Do Nov 04, 2004 12:48 pm

ted the mechanic hat geschrieben:They aren't going to win any awards for being showman(i.e. I mean like chorographed movements and special affects...they just basically play).

I wasn't talking about choreography... That is best left to the prefab boy bands record companies recruit trying to sell records to teenagers. They of course play excellently. But what I meant by "stage presence" is making it look as if you are really enjoying yourself on stage, and really getting into it. Some bands really do that and others don't. Sometimes Saga looked like they were having a great time on stage, but others it looked like they were just playin' to finish the show. And since this show was the only show they were doing for most of the year, if it were me, I would have been a lot more interactive with the crowd. (Then again, I've always been a natural showoff...)

As an example of what I mean, listen to Detours. That album sounds the way I expected this show to be, but in a way it isn't. It was still a great show though. I could watch Ian Crichton play guitar all day... He was (and still is) my main reason for being into Saga in the first place. The Dude has magic fingers.

I got an Iron Maiden DVD and the problem with it is you have individually play every song on moving from song to song. At least, All Areas does go from song to song despite the blackout periods.

That sounds like what I refer to as a "DVDefect". You should return that one for one that works like it's supposed to. I have several Iron Maiden DVD's and they play sequentially. In fact, every DVD I have does. One thing I really like about All Areas though, is that it does not have Macrovision copy protection on it. Two reasons for that... One, I am a collector. Every DVD I buy I record onto VHS tapes, so that I can put the DVD away. (I do that with every DVD, VHS Tape, and all audio CD's that I can record at least.) And two, even if you aren't recording DVD's (or VHS tapes) Macrovision distorts the video quality. All Areas video is nice and sharp, and the audio quality is excellent as well.

I got Rush live in Rio...energetic crowd...some good live performances but I can't understand the deal with the washing machines behind geddy lee?

Well, I don't know if it is just rumors or what, but supposedly the story behind the washing machines stems from new reports after Neal Peart's personal tragedies (his wife and daughter dying a few months apart) that "Rush was washed up" unless they replaced him. That didn't sit well with Geddy Lee, and he was supposedly pretty ticked off about it. Not only because it made the band look bad, but more so because of how it made him feel about his life long friend and bandmate. They had decided to take off a specified amount of time so Neal Peart could take a bike trip and get right with himself. But it was never in the plan that Rush was finished.

This is just what I have read on various websites, which who knows if a word of it is true or not. Only Rush knows for sure what they were planning or going to do at the time. But if you watch the extras on the Rush In Rio DVD (assuming you have the same thing I do) Geddy Lee explains that when they got ready to do that tour, they talked about how they were going to handle the press, and it was decided that Neal Peart would not take part in press conferences, because it's one thing to have a friend say to you "Sorry for your loss" and ask what happened, but another thing entirely to have it asked over and over and over by strange reporters who just want a story. They felt that it was enough to ask of him to just keep playing in the band, going on tour and recording albums, but that it was not necessary for him to have all that sadness rubbed in his face every day talking about things that are really nobody's business anyway. Even big rock stars are entitled to have some privacy.

As far as the Rush in Rio DVD goes, it is a great show, with excellent filming. But the sound quality really lacks on it. The copy I have, which cost me $30.00 so I expected better quality, is distorted. I'm not talking about guitar with a distortion peddle either, but the entire soundtrack is poor. It's not quite "horrible", and I understand what the reason for it was, but it would have been nice if they had informed their fans that the DVD had sound quality issues. But from a business standpoint, I guess that wouldn't be very smart as nobody would buy it. Even the audio CD's were that way. It was supposedly something to do with the equipment they had to record with not being up to snuff.
Ax Slinger
Beiträge: 71
Registriert: Mo Nov 01, 2004 6:03 am
Wohnort: The Lost Coast

Beitragvon Uschi » Do Nov 04, 2004 1:55 pm

But what I meant by "stage presence" is making it look as if you are really enjoying yourself on stage, and really getting into it. Some bands really do that and others don't. Sometimes Saga looked like they were having a great time on stage, but others it looked like they were just playin' to finish the show. And since this show was the only show they were doing for most of the year, if it were me, I would have been a lot more interactive with the crowd. (Then again, I've always been a natural showoff...)

True enough, they look a little strained at times. Yet considering the circumstances of the show, for instance they couldn't rehearse properly, that must have caused them to concentrate more on the music than on partying, they still had their little exchanges. Besides, the stage was big compared to what they usually play on, so communication naturally was limited.

Haven't they got the 30 years anniversary coming up? ;)

As far as the Rush in Rio DVD goes, it is a great show, with excellent filming. But the sound quality really lacks on it.

Also true, what annoys me is that you hear the audience all the time to a degree that reminds me rather of a football game than a concert.

My kids love the dragon though :D
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Registriert: So Jul 21, 2002 2:00 am

Beitragvon danny » Do Nov 04, 2004 2:02 pm

Uschi hat geschrieben:My kids love the dragon though :D

My kids love it, too :D
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Beitragvon Ax Slinger » Do Nov 04, 2004 4:50 pm

Uschi hat geschrieben:True enough, they look a little strained at times. Yet considering the circumstances of the show, for instance they couldn't rehearse properly, that must have caused them to concentrate more on the music than on partying, they still had their little exchanges.

Yeah, I can relate to what they were saying in the extras about their rehearsal space. I have had problems like that many times. That's why I always rented a barn out in the country or something whenever I could. Plus ya don't get noise complaints either. In fact, I rented one of those picnic barns (basically a roof on stilts) in a state park once because I couldn't find anything else, and the rehearsal ended up being two days of free concerts for the people camping in the state park. Bild

Besides, the stage was big compared to what they usually play on, so communication naturally was limited.

Personally I thought the stage on All Areas was small. I actually thought they were probably used to much bigger stages. And if any of the articles I've been reading about them are true, they have played to some larger crowds than Rush has. They said on the Rush In Rio DVD extras that Sao Paulo, Brazil was the largest crowd they had ever played for, and that was 60,000. And you know what they rule of thumb is on that... The bigger the crowd is, the bigger the stage is. So when Iron Maiden played for 250,000 in Rio, that would have to have been one huge stage...

Haven't they got the 30 years anniversary coming up? ;)

I think so. In 2007 isn't it? Damn, I feel old all of a sudden. In 1977 I had two kids, another one on the way, and had been on the road for several years already...

Also true, what annoys me is that you hear the audience all the time to a degree that reminds me rather of a football game than a concert.

I know what you mean... But how many bands do you know of that the crowd sings along with instrumentals? That was classic when they were singing on YYZ. Oh yeah... Rush Trivia question. Did you know that YYZ is the code for the Toronto Airport?

My kids love the dragon though :D

The dragon was cool, but the video they had made for By Tor and the Snow Dog was waaay better...
Ax Slinger
Beiträge: 71
Registriert: Mo Nov 01, 2004 6:03 am
Wohnort: The Lost Coast

Beitragvon Mdf34 » Do Nov 04, 2004 10:16 pm

Ax Slinger hat geschrieben:That was classic when they were singing on YYZ. Oh yeah... Rush Trivia question. Did you know that YYZ is the code for the Toronto Airport?

My kids love the dragon though :D

The dragon was cool, but the video they had made for By Tor and the Snow Dog was waaay better...

Acually, YYZ is the designation for what's call a TACAN, a navigational aid, not the airport itself. :D

Both bits or animation are way cool and fun IMHO as well!
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Registriert: Fr Jun 13, 2003 9:40 am

Beitragvon ted the mechanic » Fr Nov 05, 2004 5:10 am

Actually, Carlin Ted the Mechanic is a song from Deep Purple's cd Purpendicular. I had to use something new.

I didn't mean that Saga sholud dance around on stage but I suppose most groups move around more. They basically get up and play.
ted the mechanic
Beiträge: 14
Registriert: Do Nov 04, 2004 10:54 am

Beitragvon Silent Knight » Fr Nov 05, 2004 5:31 am

Hi Ted

Take a look at my web site. I have made a little clip from a small venue concert last night.
This is where they introduce Christian Simpson for the audience. Maybe you'll get a little feeling how it's like to stand in the front row. :D

Just click on the link "Introduktion til Christain Simpson på Kulturbolaget"

Silent Knight
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Beitragvon Ax Slinger » Fr Nov 05, 2004 8:53 am

Mdf34 hat geschrieben:Acually, YYZ is the designation for what's call a TACAN, a navigational aid, not the airport itself. :D

Here is the USA we refer to those three letter codes as "Airport Codes". For example, LAX is the Los Angeles International Airport, SFO is the San Francisco International Airport, etc.

Pilots most likely don't think of them as Airport Codes, but Navigational ID's for the airports. But technically we are both correct. According to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority website, it states in their FAQ that... "The full name of the airport is Toronto Pearson International Airport. The airport is also sometimes referred to as Pearson Airport. YYZ is Toronto Pearson's Aerodrome Location Indicator, used for navigational identification." Which in my view calling it a "location Indicator" agrees with what I said, and saying it is "used for navigational identification" agrees with what you said...

Whatever the case though, most people not familiar with these ID's don't know that the Rush song YYZ is named after the designation used to identify "something" at the airport in Toronto... :D
Ax Slinger
Beiträge: 71
Registriert: Mo Nov 01, 2004 6:03 am
Wohnort: The Lost Coast

Beitragvon Uschi » Fr Nov 05, 2004 10:09 am

Pilots most likely don't think of them as Airport Codes,

I guess that explains it. Mike (mdf) wasn't a pilot but was member of the airforce ;)
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Registriert: So Jul 21, 2002 2:00 am

Beitragvon Uschi » Fr Nov 05, 2004 10:25 am

ted the mechanic hat geschrieben:Actually, Carlin Ted the Mechanic is a song from Deep Purple's cd Purpendicular. I had to use something new.

Though I'm not familiar with the song :roll: I was just being silly.It is very enjoyable to have this little fresh brise in here that newcomers bring, though I should know you? :hm: Let's see if I can figure it out ;) :bg:
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Registriert: So Jul 21, 2002 2:00 am

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