

Beitragvon IanCrichtonFan » Do Dez 09, 2004 9:30 pm

well, i would like to know some good fansitees..

i know, there is a huge linkarea in the - fansite, but, i would like to know witchon is the best...well, you will wonder why i poost this in saga international...

well, maybe theree are some international fansites...

@the team of don't get me wrong, this website is the best fansite of saga! there is no other site that can be better than yours! it's so interessting...even the offical site is (a goodlooking) poorsite...but i'd like to see if there is a fansite that i don't know yet...
i think i'm going bald! (rush, 1975)
viele grüsse david
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Registriert: Mo Nov 22, 2004 2:11 pm
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