Negus vs SAGA

Beitragvon Andy » Fr Okt 12, 2007 3:15 pm

Roar hat geschrieben: I feel stabbed in the back as well! What happened to friendship, loyalty and decency?

Once again I quote some wise words of a friend of mine (he is an absolute professional in music): "In music business there is no friendship - there is mostly only money."
StarinkWorld - The Official Ed Starink Website

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Beitragvon Frank Aufmoog » Fr Okt 12, 2007 4:56 pm

No Stranger hat geschrieben:Well, the internet...
What we`ve been doing in times while there have been no fan-sites and forums to get any news under the microscope of our own subjective opinion and spread those little bits & bytes into the virtual universe for a mutual worldwide misunderstanding.
I truly understand now why the internet started as platform for secret services in times of the cold war...
Too easy to believe to know everything, too easy to lose focus on the things that matter.


But now we have internet and we have some informations that are worth to be discussed. Go back to the stone age but why are you here than in a forum which is obviously ment to make postings about interesting topic and share opinions with others? Steve`s comments are clear and plain. It´s not about subjective opinions but about objective facts, If you do not know the different between opinions and facts, I can´t help.
Frank Aufmoog
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Beitragvon No Stranger » Fr Okt 12, 2007 5:26 pm

You definitely did not lift your head buddy.
Watching to long into the microscope makes you crosseyed.

But your post just confirmed what I wrote.

If you got tickets to give away, I`ll take them... ;)

Thank you for recognizing and respecting my opinion.
Don`t be fooled by what you see...
...cos I am no stranger
No Stranger
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Beitragvon Frank Aufmoog » Fr Okt 12, 2007 6:36 pm

You´re Welcome :lol:
Frank Aufmoog
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Beitragvon Acai » Fr Okt 12, 2007 7:19 pm

Judge when you have facts and not rumours!

I love their music, they have never disappointed me on stage and I´m glad they will be playing again soon! I can´t judge about the rest because it´s none of my business and because I don´t know what really happens.

And yes: All the best for Brian! Hope to see you back on stage again soon!
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Beitragvon BigBoss » So Okt 14, 2007 6:00 pm

Some perspective is needed in this situation. Steve hasn't been in the band now for what, 3 albums now? It was great of him to step up and help at the last second, but no one bought a ticket for these shows thinking Steve was going to be there in the first place - count yourselves lucky if you have a ticket, I've been a fan since 1979 and never had a chance to see them live and now I never will.

You also got to keep perspective on the time crunch the band was under, I mean they really barely had time to think and react, and unfortunately not everything got taken care of perfectly, but I envy you folks with tickets, you know it is going to be a great show.
Best Regards,
Shawn Gordon
ProgRock Records
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Beitragvon Michael_K » Di Okt 16, 2007 11:48 pm

I haven't been to this forum for a while and am quite surprised about some of the opinions in this thread. Some people seem to take the band's (or promoter's) decision quite personal.

My advice on this:
Don't spoil yourself the upcoming tour! Even if there was some kind of quarrel between Steve and the band, I still won't doubt that they will be able to deliver a great performance with the replacing drummer.
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Beitragvon Andy » Mi Okt 17, 2007 7:49 am

Michael_K hat geschrieben:I haven't been to this forum for a while and am quite surprised about some of the opinions in this thread. Some people seem to take the band's (or promoter's) decision quite personal.

It's the right of every fan to disagree with decisions of the band/their management or certain behaviour of them... the band might of course do everything what they want and also of what they think it's the best, but criticism must be allowed!
StarinkWorld - The Official Ed Starink Website

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Beitragvon wegebakira » Mi Okt 17, 2007 8:55 am

I just learned today that a new drummer is playing on the tour and I read all the comments about Brian and Steve. I have also tickets for munich and I cant wait to see SAGA again on stage. Finally I dont really care about who´s the drummer, although I do respect Steve and Brian. It is Michaels last show with SAGA and I do really hope that this will be a fantastic night to say " Goodbye and Thank for for 30 years Michael Sadler". So guys, sit down relax and count the hours until the new CD is released.
SAGA - It never ends
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Beitragvon MichaelNoi » Di Okt 23, 2007 7:40 am

Ok, as this thread shows, Saga Fans do love their band...maybe sometimes a little too much ;)
I believe, the guys from Saga do their very best, to give us a great MS-farewell-tour.
Let´s cool down a bit and look forward to a great piece of music history.
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Beitragvon keithm » Do Okt 25, 2007 2:08 pm

It doesn't matter why Steve isn't doing the tour, what matters is why he wasn't told this when he played the recent gigs with the band. I'm sorry but that just stinks. I love the band and there music, but according to the bonus material on one of the DVD's steve and Jim were badly treated when they were ejected in the 80's.

I just don't understand why the guys would treat him so badly and not be honest and tell him straight he wasn't doing the tour.
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Registriert: Do Dez 28, 2006 1:05 pm

Beitragvon Ole » Do Okt 25, 2007 6:31 pm

Exactly! And they have known each other for 30+ years, gimme me a break!! you just dont do that. :dudu: I can understand why Steve felt USED. It would seem from what Roar posted that they had Daryl call Steve the day after. Geesh. See my latest posting in the other thread.
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Registriert: Do Aug 30, 2007 3:01 pm
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Beitragvon Social Orphan » Do Okt 25, 2007 8:19 pm

keithm hat geschrieben: I love the band and there music, but according to the bonus material on one of the DVD's steve and Jim were badly treated when they were ejected in the 80's.

Where did you see that on the DVD.....I never seen that? Which DVD?

I understand why Steve wasn't told. First it wasn't official and secondly they wanted Steve and everyone to just enjoy things. If Steve got told he would only do Canada, he may of not been happy...and may of backed out...leaving Saga to have to Cancel the Canadian Tour. I am sure Steve was never told he was going to be the Drummer for Europe.

Look we don't know how it all transpired. Steve looked close with the band at the show and they all loved it...they had a blast....and so did the fans. It is not my job to job what happened with only part of the facts and not all of them. I am a fan of all 5 guys who made up Saga.....Michael, Jim C, Ian C, Jim G and Steve.
Social Orphan
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Beitragvon keithm » Fr Okt 26, 2007 11:29 am

I can't remember which DVD (I've got all of them), but I'm sure Steve or Jim said the Saga Management phoned them up and said they were out of the band. That's why I was very suprised when they rejoined. If this is wrong I aplogiose without reservation: what isn't wrong is the bad way steve has redcently been treated. I have to say if this is the way Saga are acting (along with the supposed comments from 'drummer' Brian) I can't see them lasting much longer. There seems to be a lack of respect for each other or others (read how you like). Maybe with Michael leaving it is time to take a break and see what the future brings; and get back some respect for past and future members of Saga
Beiträge: 26
Registriert: Do Dez 28, 2006 1:05 pm

Beitragvon cdn guy » Mo Okt 29, 2007 7:13 pm

The words of Sagalady (in the ‘Brian Doerner explains it all’ thread), I think, make the most impassionate plea for a little sanity in this latest (last?) chapter in the legacy of the band Saga. Fans and musicians alike have been shocked by the treatment given to one of founding members of the group. Review of all this is unnecessary, as I’m sure, most here have heard quite enough. It is about the final tour with Michael Sadler, something that, in itself, should be an important event. All this internet garbage initiated by Mr. Doerner’s original statement and then continued (when questioned about those statements by DJM) with further comments and an amateurishly-veiled apology need to stop. I am no expert in media relations, but is there not a little damage control necessary here? – with respect to the band, that is.

Steve’s health issues – the ‘official’ reason given by the band for not including him in the current tour – doesn’t wash. And most, by now, know this to be a fact. I’ve worked with Steve musically the last few years, and although I do not speak from a medical standpoint, I’ve witnessed no health issues whatsoever associated with Steve that have hindered his very extensive musical abilities – either on the road, or under full musical work loads. He was fine to fill in with the band last year, but not this year? So let’s just call this what it is, OK?? The band has chosen to go in another musical direction and feel that their last tour with Michael Sadler should be with someone other than Mr. Negus. We all have our own opinion of how we feel about this, and as fans, we have a right to express how we feel. But the bottom line is that it is the band’s decision to chart their own creative direction. Fans will like this decision or they will not.

Mr. Doerner’s latest internet apology, which essentially amounted to an amateurish attempt to ‘backskate’ through his personal problems with Steve Negus (initiated by whatever reasons he may have had), by turning his insult instead, to DJM should be the final statement given by Mr. Doerner. Again, not knowing what an “Official Media Request” is, doesn’t wash. Any 7-year-old can make a reasonably accurate guess as to what these 3 words would mean. Trying to shift the blame for the damage his words have done to Mr. Negus and the band Saga to DJM is the immature reaction of not accepting responsibility for one’s actions. There is little that can be done with people over the age of 25 who choose to behave this way. So is it not time for the band to do something about this ??

If people can’t respect Steve Negus for his musical and creative abilities or his contributions to the band Saga for so many, many years, perhaps respect (and learn from) the stance he has taken in this appalling recent display of mud-slinging. You’ll notice that there has been no comment by Steve, and knowing him as I do, I expect there will not be any until this on-line trashing ends. It is not necessary, when thrown into a sandbox with children, to remain there and play.

It would seem to me that what the other members of Saga, who’ve not surprisingly, chosen to remain silent on this, need to do is to put a muzzle on Mr. Doerner. It may very well be true that his musical abilities and attitude are what the band needs to continue on for a few more decades, but allowing him open public access to internet communication through various global forums is not a good idea. To quote Mr. Doerner himself: “A band member's conduct is just as important off stage as on stage. You must be a positive influence to the whole organization.” Ironically, Mr. Doerner has given the best advice on this.

Perhaps other members of the band need to address a few of these issues?? ... and soon??

cdn guy
If the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends -- Japanese proverb.
cdn guy
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Registriert: Mo Okt 29, 2007 4:07 am
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