Negus vs SAGA

Negus vs SAGA

Beitragvon SadlerFan » Do Okt 11, 2007 9:16 pm

At the moment i do not feel to see SAGA on stage. I am very sad about the situation with Steve. Does anyone need a ticket for the show in Munich? I´ve got one for sale!! soory i´m very pissed.
Don´t be late !!
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Beitragvon wanschel » Do Okt 11, 2007 9:25 pm

You´re totaly right. I´m very pissed too.

I´ve allready canceld my ticketorder for the shows in hamburg / kiel / krefeld.

they ´re kidding us !

no official statemant on their hp at this time !!!!!!

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Beitragvon SadlerFan » Do Okt 11, 2007 9:38 pm

:box: thanx for your support - I knew SAGA since 1983 and I loved this music - SAGA was my live my ...... what happend with this guys?????? Susi, what happend?
Don´t be late !!
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Registriert: Mo Okt 03, 2005 6:19 pm
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Beitragvon Social Orphan » Do Okt 11, 2007 10:10 pm

Guys, don't over react. You could not possibly know everything. Have to met the guys? They are all great guys. Just go and enjoy the music.
Zuletzt geändert von Social Orphan am Fr Okt 12, 2007 3:37 am, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Social Orphan
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Beitragvon Mika » Do Okt 11, 2007 10:18 pm

I'm afraid I have to agree, too.
The way SAGA informs their fans is still awkward sometimes and that is quite annoying for a die-hard fan.
We wanted a fabulous 30th Anniversary Farewell Tour and due to Brians condition, Steve would have perfectly fit in, and as it seems he was willing to.
So this chance has passed.

I bought my ticket for the show in Osnabrück but I had doubts doing the right thing, because last year I attended the show in Hannover, where Ian was totally drunk and couldn't play one note right. On that occasion I was really pissed, as I felt that SAGA is messing around with their fans.

This time I'm just sad that it comes to an end like this. It's really not wise to introduce a new drummer on this special tour and the band should have Known.

But nevertheless, as I bought my ticket a little too rash (I should have listened to my heart), I will attend. Maybe it's gonna be nice all the same.
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Registriert: Do Nov 30, 2006 1:32 am
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Beitragvon Sebastian » Do Okt 11, 2007 10:54 pm

I'm not completely sure what to think. I saw Steve Negus after a long time once again in Boppard, Germany with SAGA last year. He replaced Brian, who had health problems with his back.

My feelings back then were: Great to see Steve again, BUT: Brians drumming is WAY MORE energetic, powerful and detailled. Excuse me, but at this evening I really missed the power that Brian gave to SAGA since the sits behind the kit, also live. So it was just an okay SAGA-show, seemed a little bit uninspired and slowed down. I could understand the rest of the guys, if they say that they want a drummer that more energetic as Steve can be nowadays. So that may be why they deceided to cancel Steve and choose Chris Sutherland.

On the other side it would be great to see Steve at the 30th anniversary. Especially, if these shows would really be the last of SAGA at all.
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Beitragvon dmeehan » Do Okt 11, 2007 11:45 pm

I shouldn't even be writing this,, but I'm biting my tongue while reading everyone's comments..

Steve wasn't dumped,, nor was he treated badly..

Because of Brian's recent health issues, the European promoter would not insure Steve, as he too had health issues in the past. They needed a great drummer with a clean bill of health! quite simple.

And Chris Sutherland is an amazing drummer who can fill the drumming shoes perfectly.

NO shows will be cancelled.. hahaha it's crazy how rumours & acusations get out so quickly.

as far as the other question about the official site not always seeming to put up the news first... as we all learned from premature postings of the canadian dates by other people... The official site only posts news when it is 100% confirmed & written in stone.

Hopefully I'm not in trouble for posting this either. I was just driving me crazy.
Zuletzt geändert von dmeehan am Fr Okt 12, 2007 9:43 pm, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.
Orga + Mod
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Beitragvon Mika » Fr Okt 12, 2007 1:39 am

Thank you.
This piece of information explains it all.

And it's perfectly understandable that fans like us drive you crazy. But when information leaks through prematurely, in this case because Steve as well as Chris Sutherland put it on their blogs with much room for interpretation, it's immanent that the fanatic fan's mind is running amok. Fans can be very annoying from time to time.

As this issue is settled, I can look forward to the tour now.

Thank you again, dmeehan, and I hope you don't get in to trouble for sharing this information with us. We gave you no other choice.
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Registriert: Do Nov 30, 2006 1:32 am
Wohnort: Herford, Germany

Beitragvon Social Orphan » Fr Okt 12, 2007 3:24 am

There we go guys. Don't you all feel stupid now. You just gotta trust things. We as fans do not always need to know everything.
Social Orphan
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Beitragvon Andy » Fr Okt 12, 2007 9:49 am

For me the SAGA is over... two final concerts (unfortunately I've already bought and paid the tickets) and then it's enough!
StarinkWorld - The Official Ed Starink Website

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Beitragvon Mika » Fr Okt 12, 2007 2:01 pm

No, I don't feel stupid at all.
This flaming discussion had the effect that someone felt it necessary to provide us with the missing piece of information to end this discussion.

But as you can see in the other thread , the discussion is still on. Even the explanation couldn't clean up the suspicions.

For my own part I'm satisfied with the explanation, even if I wonder why it was possible last year for Steve to tour Europe. But if the the promoter makes the rules...

More important is that the tour can proceed and most of the people who are comming to the concerts don't give a damn who sits behind the drums, some will not even recognize there sits somene else except the few people hanging around on this forum.
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Registriert: Do Nov 30, 2006 1:32 am
Wohnort: Herford, Germany

Beitragvon Bertho » Fr Okt 12, 2007 2:44 pm

I'm satisfied with the explanation, too. How can I know what happened between the people involved? I doubt, that we fans are able to judge the actions that were taken (or not) by the band and others. What we 'know' is only what we can read on two web sites: Short notes. Can someone pls explain how to find out what is true and what is not??? Has anybody here talked to just one of them? Maybe Chris wasn't allowed to post his comment before SAGA does...who knows? Guys, you have to give SAGA a chance to explain and then we'll see. Because of all the rumors they should do it soon, ok, but we should be patient, too.

I continue to support SAGA and do not regret buying Tickets for some shows!!! GO SAGA!!!
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Beitragvon Roar » Fr Okt 12, 2007 3:01 pm

Social Orphan hat geschrieben:There we go guys. Don't you all feel stupid now. You just gotta trust things. We as fans do not always need to know everything.

Who are you to call other people stupid - for the SECOND time??? :o If you have to stand on other people to make yourself taller - get out of here! :box:
The rest of us are trying to have a serious discussion on this topic - we haven't seen the end of it yet.
On my own behalf I'm returning my "Access all areas"-card I got after the Oslo-show as a gift for driving the guys from and to the airport, and selling my airplane-tickets because of the back-stabbing of Steve! I feel stabbed in the back as well! What happened to friendship, loyalty and decency?
And I don't fancy being called stupid - twice!
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Registriert: Di Nov 21, 2006 1:55 am
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Beitragvon No Stranger » Fr Okt 12, 2007 3:05 pm

Well, the internet...
What we`ve been doing in times while there have been no fan-sites and forums to get any news under the microscope of our own subjective opinion and spread those little bits & bytes into the virtual universe for a mutual worldwide misunderstanding.
I truly understand now why the internet started as platform for secret services in times of the cold war...
Too easy to believe to know everything, too easy to lose focus on the things that matter.

Following the several discussions going on here I could not resist (against my nature!) to tell you about my own "microscope" SAGA-fan view and share my little list of priorities:

1. Get well soon Brian!
2. Get well soon Brian!
3. Get well soon Brian!
4. SAGA is coming!
5. party with the guys!
6. Make Michael`s farewell tour one long night to remember...

It is unfortunate the way things turned out for Steve and I share his and many of the fan`s disappointment. But I won`t start crying now (I did 2003 when Steve had his "official" farewell). For sure there have been some incidents in the past that made SAGA-fans mad.
However the way SAGA treated their fan-base has always been unique and incredibly respectful. When I visit this tour I will return my respect & thanks to Mr.Sadler and everyone who is with him on stage. Anyone considering giving away their tickets now should just step back from their microscope for a second. It gives you a bigger picture...
Don`t be fooled by what you see...
...cos I am no stranger
No Stranger
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Registriert: Mi Jul 10, 2002 2:00 am

Beitragvon Bertho » Fr Okt 12, 2007 3:14 pm

@No Stranger:

Classy post! Totally agreed!!!
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Registriert: Fr Mär 31, 2006 12:39 pm
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