Worpswede II

Beitragvon Ineke » So Apr 19, 2009 11:05 am

@ peterkre,

Nice to read the remaining part of the story. Danke :)
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Registriert: Di Okt 03, 2006 11:24 pm

Beitragvon peterkre » So Apr 19, 2009 9:45 pm

You're welcome - excuse me, that i'm unable to use the english language perfect enough, to verbalize my thoughts and feelings unbiased. I thought, it's much better to write in my mother language than to be totally quiet.


„Wichtig ist, dass man nicht aufhört zu fragen“
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Registriert: Mi Mai 17, 2006 2:10 pm
Wohnort: Boostedt

Beitragvon Harmonia » Mo Apr 20, 2009 12:05 am

Thanks for everything :P
You look, good to Me.
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Registriert: Fr Mär 07, 2008 4:15 am
Wohnort: Nobleton, Ont

Concert Review from Wümme Zeitung ( local newspaper)

Beitragvon wegebakira » Mo Apr 20, 2009 2:50 pm

Konzertbericht Worpswede - aus der Wümme Zeitung
Die Zukunft Sagas hat begonnen

Worpswede. Rund ein Jahr Pause, das erste Konzert mit Rob Moratti in Europa und das zweite mit dem neuen Sänger überhaupt - es hätte für die Musiker von Saga viele Gründe gegeben, nervös zu sein. Spürbar war davon bei ihrem Tourauftakt in der Worpsweder Music Hall überhaupt nichts. Im Gegenteil: Die Kanadier legten ein durchweg überzeugendes und begeisterndes Konzert hin.

Wie gut die Kommunikation und das gegenseitige Beflügeln zwischen der Band und ihren Fans funktioniert, wird schon beim ersten Song klar. Zum langen Instrumental-Intro von "The Human Condition", dem Titelstück der aktuellen CD, finden sich zunächst die vier Instrumentalisten auf der Bühne ein. Erst gegen Ende der Nummer kommt Moratti hinzu - und wird schon vor dem ersten gesungenen Ton gefeiert. Am 5. Dezember 2007 traten Saga zum letzten Mal mit Michael Sadler in München auf; danach trennten sich in aller Freundschaft die Wege des charismatischen Frontmannes und der Band. Die verbliebenen Mitglieder Jim Gilmour (Keyboards), Schlagzeuger Brian Doerner, sowie Gitarrist Ian und Bassist Jim Crichton ließen sich Zeit und begangen nicht den Fehler, überstürzt einen Sadler-Klon als Ersatzmann zu suchen. Sie würdigten die 30-jährige Ära Sadler mit der Live-CD und -DVD "Contact" und begannen beinahe gleichzeitig mit Moratti an neuem Material zu arbeiten.

Der äußerst sympathische Frontmann, der in Nordamerika mit seiner Formation Final Frontier langjährige Erfahrungen sammelte, erweist sich als perfekte Wahl. Er passt in das typische Klangkonstrukt der Progrocker perfekt hinein, aber er streut auch eigene Akzente ein. Das aktuelle Programm der Band setzt nach dem Einstieg zunächst auf Bewährtes. Klassiker wie "The Flyer" und "Wind Him Up" sind an den Anfang des Konzerts gerückt, und sie bringen allen Beteiligten die nötige Sicherheit. Ab und zu guckt Moratti auf die vor ihm liegenden Textblätter, aber nur in wenigen Momenten geraten ihm die Zeilen durcheinander. Einsätze und Phrasierung sind souverän, seine Performance ist angesichts der großen Konzentration verständlicherweise eher zurückhaltend.

Auch der Rest der Band geht äußerst souverän zur Sache; nach einem halben Dutzend Songs wagt sie sich auch an neues Material. Stücke wie "Now Is Now", "Step Inside" oder das eingängige "You Look Good To Me" fügen sich nahtlos ein ins Repertoire. Auch mit dem Manko, dass ihr regulärer Drummer Brian Doerner wie schon bei der vergangene Touren aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht dabei sein konnte, gehen Saga scheinbar problemlos um.

In Chris Sutherland hat die Band einen herausragenden Antreiber, dessen kraftvolles Spiel einen reizvollen Kontrast zu den oft fisseligen Keyboard- und Gitarrenfiguren bildet.

Schnell ist die Premieren-Anspannung vergessen und der Auftritt nimmt den Lauf eines typischen Saga-Konzerts: musikalisch anspruchsvoll bis nahezu perfektionistisch und die Fans mitreißend. Zum Finale mit den größten Hits "Don’t Be Late", "You’re Not Alone" und natürlich "On The Loose" kocht die nahezu ausverkaufte Halle und die Fans singen wie gewohnt lauthals mit. "Ihr kennt die Stücke besser als ich", kokettiert Moratti und bedankt sich herzlich. Wer meinte, Saga sei mit dem Abgang Sadlers am Ende, sah sich getäuscht: Die Zukunft der Band hat gerade erst begonnen.

Eher einer Reise in die Vergangenheit kam der Auftritt der Vorgruppe It Bites gleich. Die Engländer, die auch seit 27 Jahren im Geschäft sind, klingen beinahe genauso wie Genesis Mitte der 70er Jahre. Das ist zwar wenig originell, passt aber offenkundig bestens zum Geschmack der Saga-Fans.
SAGA - It never ends
Beiträge: 263
Registriert: Mi Jul 26, 2006 8:25 am
Wohnort: Auenwald

Re: Concert Review from Wümme Zeitung ( local newspaper)

Beitragvon peterkre » Mo Apr 20, 2009 4:05 pm

Ok international friends, here i have a translation of my review generated with an online translator. I hope, the number of big mistakes is low - however - if you find one, or do not understand the meaning of a phrase - do not hesitate to ask.

Good evening,

as promised, here is part 2 of my report. Now the concert has ended a few hours ago, and I have better sorted myself and simply start at the beginning.

I had bought 3 tickets because I hoped, my family would come along and we would have the chance to meet Brian again after nearly 3 years in Worpswede. Unfortunately, nothing became from both hopes - I had to drive alone and Brian was not there also. But this is an another story...
I arrived at the Music Hall shortly before 9pm, It Bites had probably just started, and my first thought was: fully here... I came just 5 m in the hall. Unfortunately, a steady deposit and scrum ruled in my first location - but I had possibly from the height of the mixing desk a good look at the stage and optimum sound and, therefore, remained first.

The PA in Worpswede is still in usual quality, clearly - loud (very loud) and able to generate small earthquakes. With IT Bites the sound was excellent - however, with SAGA it was laid out over again. A big praise to the engineers on site - so this must be!

It Bites played first for my feeling a little bit half-heartedly, maybe the first 2-3 songs also were not my thing - I cannot remember the titles of the songs any more - nothing has taken notes.
Unfortunately, the setup on the stage was unhappy a little bit - singer and Lead guitar directly in front of the drummer. Maybe a big compromise and the narrow stage was probably owed. A little bit moved to each other would have been better.
Then, however, after a quarter of and hour it better ran, the pieces became clearly progressive - and even more my taste. Now it was already joked sometimes and was played with each other - I felt reminded phase-wise to early Genisis and Peter Gabriel. Listen to 'Oh of God' on the myspace site for an example. This already gives pleasure!
Then amusing proofs at least one Roland A90 shutdown - suddenly no keyboard sound more, the Tech became quite hectic - does Windows run on it? But after was a matter new-booting up everything again - professional loop tricks of the others have ironed out the blameless goof. If are just also the old hares who cannot be brought by something so from the rest.
All in all, again a good choice of the SAGA teams - I feels me musically enriched.
Afterwards, the compulsory rebuilding break - doors on, allowing fresh air to come in - it was very warm! Many people, a lot of light and although the fans surely fully ran, remain it the evening so warm. I have searched my final position for myself slowly, and this felt well in such a way, because during the concert nothing more went to the sound. It was really full.

And then did it become exciting, Susi has put everywhere richly water (and certainly still many other, but invisible things done), dmeehan every Mic has checked in lightning-speed over again, has brought the guitars, several Plektren (10?) for Jim Crichton on the Moog lined up, the stage was quite befogged - and then Susis thumbs high came to the mixer.

First on the stage was Chris to see only a little in the fog behind his castle. And while he cleaned Sticks to the Intro of 'The Humanly of Condition' here and because, Mics directed and whatever a drummer makes before the start - other 3 instrumentalists on the stage have cheated themselves.
And as well as THC with 0:37 begins with a crash, the light began suddenly fully, Ian, Jim and Daryl were there immediately - wide awake, fast to arrow, fully of pressure, challenging - immediately extreme play in unison, one must have experienced this. I have only thought - YEEESSSSSS - THIS is a SAGA. Somebody in the forum has asked some times ago for the sound of SAGA, this is the sound! Not only technical sound, even more. After a short time Rob still arrived - almost a little bit shyly. The message was clear - hey I am the new, there stands the band as you know it. And now let us see where we will come out together.

Successfully - splendidly threaded.

But before I further report about the music, a word to the set-up. The positions were exchanged on the stage what has disturbed me not at all. However, not well I found which was turned the keyboard castle by Daryl thus which he stood often with the back to the audience. 90 degrees to the left turn would be much nicer! But there will probably be a reason... And I would have wished the mix a little more detailed to the positions of the band members - but maybe my impression was also due which I did not stand a little bit on the right and with it in the middle axis of the stage. But this was not bad, details for perfectionists!

From the first minute was clear for me, there stands a team on the stage. A team the technically extremely demandingly COOPERATION plays - and the team has decided on Rob, has taken up him and integrated as a new part and has completely accepted him. It was a feast for the eyes to see after the melancholy resignation of Michael. So much play joy and fun - the Crichton brothers have passed itself straight across the stage, have grinned, have smirked, fired.
Once (it was with Step Inside?) Jim has changed the side to Ian over, both have been based directly side by side and at an angle behind Rob, and have scrutinised him during the first tacts obviously examining and very favorably. What picture! Maybe it was a show - maybe not... I have understood the following message: There he is hey people, have a look at him, we are proud sooo and are glad to have found thus a great man.

And, besides, I am with the subject which interests many probably mostly. How is he?

His voice has another colour than Michaels, but it is as exciting. Rob is easily able to sing also the song parts very much dominated by Michaels voice like the end of the Intro about On The air or The Flyer. I would not like to compare the both directly, this would not do justice to them. But I find great how Rob steps in the gigantic footprints of Michael Sadler and fills them!
And the possibilities quite own his voice have, Step Inside or Crown Of Thornes proves very impressively. On the stage he uses them, sympathetically, cautiously, friendly, less theatrically, itself very much around the favour of the audience troubling - this fits! (From a Fischkopp like me, this is an extremely big praise!)

When the audience got with the old hits and joined in the singing, e.g., You're need Alone, all eyes apparently shining on the stage had. Completely in such a way, as if they did not know which would function SAGA still so well - whether the people the incision went along. They went - everybody (in any case, I could see)
And Rob has made easy it for us. On unobtrusive, did not cover active manner he has found own way. I am sure to imitate Michael would have failed. But thus it was just right - persuasive!

To the qualities of the others I must not say a lot, you know them. I am astonished over and over again as Daryl plays with his left hand without any trouble arpeggios (has not programmed), with the right on another keyboard at all messes around and with the eyes still again completely elsewhere. This time he has crouched a few times under the castle and has played on top, maybe some thing had fallen down... The arpeggios and runs of Ian are legendary, Jim floats and fires from below, sometimes with Moog, sometimes with E bass. Now he plays the bass part with Humble Stance, it's no disadvantage for the song.
And because I have a child who is a drummer, I have had of course the completely time an eye and an ear with Chris who accents fully of pressure and exactly or sometimes generates thunder with his double base (of course on two! Drums). Merely with You look Good to Me I have wished Brian to the Kit - he is able even better - but is also from his feather. Pay attention to the Fills and the running through Rythms on HiHat or Rim Shot on Toms (the way, Chris has solved it) - this IS already a masterpiece.

Colleagues, I have gone not only very contently from the event, this was a rushing party for me. It was different a little bit than at that time, but it was worse by no means. And I am sure, we will still hear a lot from SAGA - this was not the end in the year before last. This was a beginning!

So, now I have no more desire to write, another 1000 things certainly occur to me, but experiences itself. Go, listen - one himself must have experienced this. I am glad already very much about the Fabrik in Hamburg on the next Wednesday - where I will have once again the pleasure - but this time with my family.

A lot of fun to all of you,

Zuletzt geändert von peterkre am Mo Apr 20, 2009 7:32 pm, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
„Wichtig ist, dass man nicht aufhört zu fragen“
Beiträge: 163
Registriert: Mi Mai 17, 2006 2:10 pm
Wohnort: Boostedt

Beitragvon legins5 » Mo Apr 20, 2009 5:13 pm

:D Many thanks for the review!...Great!! :D
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: Di Feb 13, 2007 8:18 pm
Wohnort: Bexleyheath,U.K.

Beitragvon mouseinamaze » Mo Apr 20, 2009 6:46 pm

Thanks for the great review, what an exciting night to be there with Saga, also thank you for providing translation.
Can you provide us with the online translator you used? it seems to translate better than the one I used.
Beiträge: 67
Registriert: Mi Okt 08, 2008 7:13 pm
Wohnort: michigan

Beitragvon peterkre » Mo Apr 20, 2009 6:52 pm

mouseinamaze hat geschrieben:Thanks for the great review, what an exciting night to be there with Saga, also thank you for providing translation.

You're welcome !

Here is the requested link: http://www.online-translator.com/text_Translation.aspx?prmtlang=en

„Wichtig ist, dass man nicht aufhört zu fragen“
Beiträge: 163
Registriert: Mi Mai 17, 2006 2:10 pm
Wohnort: Boostedt

Beitragvon Harmonia » Mo Apr 20, 2009 9:24 pm

O I do enjoy hearing of the Concert , Thankyou

You look, good to Me.
Beiträge: 88
Registriert: Fr Mär 07, 2008 4:15 am
Wohnort: Nobleton, Ont

Beitragvon Jay » Di Apr 21, 2009 1:56 pm

Tillmann hat geschrieben:Tja, du wohnst unguenstig! ;)

Aber Bonn ist doch nur ein Katzensprung - da könntest Du doch hinkommen, gell ;)

Nach Bonn ;-))))))
Das Tragische an jeder Erfahrung ist, dass man sie erst macht, nachdem man sie gebraucht hätte :)
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Beitragvon Hinterländer » Di Apr 21, 2009 2:18 pm

er kann ja erst zu mir kommen und ich nehme Ihn mit, dann hat er 1/3 der Strecke gespart ;)
Der Serverpapa / Serveradmin

Anthony's Law of Force: "Don't force it, get a larger hammer." :klopf:
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Beitragvon Jay » Di Apr 21, 2009 2:19 pm

Hinterländer hat geschrieben:er kann ja erst zu mir kommen und ich nehme Ihn mit, dann hat er 1/3 der Strecke gespart ;)

Hey Tilli, das ist doch ein Angebot - ist doch jetzt schon fast Pflicht, zu kommen ;)
Das Tragische an jeder Erfahrung ist, dass man sie erst macht, nachdem man sie gebraucht hätte :)
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Registriert: So Nov 11, 2007 8:47 am
Wohnort: Bergisches Land; Germany

Beitragvon Hinterländer » Di Apr 21, 2009 2:27 pm

Der Serverpapa / Serveradmin

Anthony's Law of Force: "Don't force it, get a larger hammer." :klopf:
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Wohnort: Leun / Germany

Beitragvon Tillmann » Di Apr 21, 2009 2:28 pm

Nee, geht leider nix mehr, im Mai sind auch Metallica undAC/DC dran, gaaaanz vielleicht laesst sich Nuernberg noch machen, aber sonst...
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Beitragvon kuschelhawk » Di Apr 21, 2009 3:19 pm

Tillmann hat geschrieben: vielleicht laesst sich Nuernberg noch machen, aber sonst...
:o und was ist mit Schweinfurt ???
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All I need is for you to believe
Come to me I can help you feel free
Take my hand & understand that I believe
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