SAGA best of with Rob ?????

Beitragvon Jay » Do Mai 28, 2009 2:13 pm

wilkie UK hat geschrieben:It would sound like an effort to re-write the past, plain and simple. That's not a good idea, BTW. :evil: :evil:

why not, Journey did it perfectly with Arnel Pineda and it works very good.

Why should SAGA can't do it? One CD with new stuff und the second CD with

"all the old shit" :rofl:

I think, in combination with a new CD next year or in the fall/winter 2009, it will be work!

Zuletzt geändert von Jay am Do Mai 28, 2009 4:08 pm, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Das Tragische an jeder Erfahrung ist, dass man sie erst macht, nachdem man sie gebraucht hätte :)
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Registriert: So Nov 11, 2007 8:47 am
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Beitragvon Mrs.C » Do Mai 28, 2009 2:58 pm

wilkie UK hat geschrieben:It would sound like an effort to re-write the past, plain and simple. That's not a good idea, BTW. :evil: :evil:

Have to say I'm with you Wilkie on this one :o
Anything can happen
When I close my eyes
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Registriert: Fr Sep 15, 2006 9:09 am
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Beitragvon Tillmann » Do Mai 28, 2009 5:46 pm

Come on... Except us hardcore fans and a few more music interested people no one really cares about a new album... But if a old fan is in the record store and reads something like "Flyer" or "Wind Him Up" rerecorded they will be interested in...

And SAGA REALLY have to try to become a likely taken festival act... So maybe a Greatest Hits in spring and maybe a new album in fall oder winter 2009 wouldn't be wrong...

SAGA need festivals, more than ever... It's like a new start of SAGA, unfortunatly they are playin' in front of 200 - 800 people most of the time... There they need a change, means: Playin' festivals (real Festivals, not a local Villageparty) all over the summer to be more known again... A lot of people still think SAGA is a hardcore keyboard band, nobody knows how heavy SAGA can be! If they'd know, they'd attend a show... And here are the festivals, people "have" to see them because they're waiting for the main act, and maybe they like it or not... But they know that SAGA still exists!

Maybe it sounds hard... But.... I dont know... It hurts writing stuff like Villagparty, but come on... :hut:
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Registriert: Mo Jul 11, 2005 7:31 pm
Wohnort: Suhl

Beitragvon MichaelNoi » Fr Mai 29, 2009 7:43 am

Thank you for the tracklist Tilly ;)

I agree with most of the songs.
Maybe we should cancel "What do I know " and "Security of Illusion", because that are very special Sadler tunes.
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Registriert: Fr Jan 28, 2005 12:23 pm
Wohnort: Amberg / Bavaria / Germany

Beitragvon FlyerPR » Sa Mai 30, 2009 11:29 pm

wilkie UK hat geschrieben:It would sound like an effort to re-write the past, plain and simple. That's not a good idea, BTW. :evil: :evil:

I agree 100%.
Let's embrace and celebrate the present and future and let's respect and honor the past.
Beiträge: 195
Registriert: Fr Apr 11, 2003 9:18 pm
Wohnort: San Juan,Puerto Rico

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