A Question for All Saga Friends!

A Question for All Saga Friends!

Beitragvon gumballpat » So Jul 05, 2009 11:41 am

Hello, my name is Pat I'm from los Angeles, and let me first say Saga is probably my favorite band! I mean there's lots, but I have been listening since 7th grade and I have "grown out" of some music but never these guys. If anything getting older has helped me to better understand the musicianship and intricite songs! Such a great and creative bunch of guys, they are TOPS!

Now, for the problem. One thing I cannot understand is what is going on all the time w/ my all time favorite album, Generation 13. Crazy music, greatest production ever I think. It is a "concept album" I know, but I feel so dumb- what IS the concept??? I have listened to this album a hundred times, it is brilliant. No one should be offended here, it is not my point. But the album is tough for me to understand. Who is Sam? Is he real or in Jeremy's head? Who is the "game show announcer" Michael plays later in the album? What is Sam saying some of the times, I cannot tell!

It doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the album. Not in the least. But man it makes my head hurt trying to figure it out, its like reading a really thick novel that is "over my head". Anybody else have this issue? And most important, can anybody 'clue me in" so i can forget about thinking too much and just LISTEN to what I think is one of the best 10 progressive rock albums ever made? Thank you so much and i am glad you accepted me, good to be here with som many people with such good taste!!!! :D
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Do Jul 02, 2009 1:15 am

Beitragvon Hinterländer » So Jul 05, 2009 12:29 pm

Der Serverpapa / Serveradmin

Anthony's Law of Force: "Don't force it, get a larger hammer." :klopf:
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Beitragvon gumballpat » So Jul 05, 2009 3:03 pm

Stefan- many, MANY thanks sir! Take care and i do appreciate your time! - Pat
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Do Jul 02, 2009 1:15 am

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