Confusion over Clear order

Beitragvon Gast » Mo Aug 02, 2004 10:03 pm

I deleted a bad thread from spinning more out of control than it already was. People other than yourself are glad it was deleted. I've apologized for any mistakes I made, it's not good enough for some, I am done with this issue.

Good luck with your site Susi.

God bless all.


Beitragvon BigBoss » Mo Aug 02, 2004 11:19 pm

Hi, I'm the President of ProgRock Records and I'm responsible for the release of the Clear album and the ordering and I think I need to step in on this series of conversations, I'll try to address everything as best I can without stepping on toes.

1. Gwen and I did pretty much everything humanly possible to ensure that everyone was given as clear information as possible for ordering the CD. The choices are credit card, cash or paypal.

2. We all (Gwen, Andy and myself) kept getting emails from people in europe saying "I don't have a credit card, check or paypal how can I order?" Well I jokingly said to some co-workers "If they can get 2 chickens to me alive, then I'll send them a CD". Seriously folks, there are 3 ways to do it and they are listed and PayPal is really easy to get an account with if you have a bank account of any sort.

3. Andy posted a big letter notice on the I&W board to make sure it got your notice, not to insult anyones intelligence, but honestly at that point we've told you multiple times, in multiple ways and in multiple languages how to do it so we were getting a bit desperate on how to get the point across, so we tried again. This resulted in a bunch of smart ass comments like "what about cash" and other unhelpful things. If you want to use cash, then you will have to wait to get the regular edition at your local store when it comes available, the limited edition will NOT be available any other way than electronically at ProgRock Records.

4. If you want the Limited Edition of Clear and cannot pay by one of the 3 methods we've described for whatever reason and don't have anyone that can help you do it, then basically you are out of luck unless someone can tell us some viable alternative. We've already looked in to accepting EuroCash and there isn't a clearing house in the US that accepts it yet unfortunately, but you can see that we are looking for altnernative ways to help you.

5. The thread at I&W was taken down because it had ceased to be productive. I'm not going to comment on any past history interaction between anyone, but that thread had lost its purpose in life.

To sum up I suggest getting a PayPal account ( if you don't have a check or bank draft or credit card. anyone should be able to get a bank draft by going to their bank, or anything equivalant like traverlers checks or whatever we can cash in the US. It does no good to complain that you can't buy it because you have none of these available to you because this is all we can offer. Even in Germany requires a credit card.

I hope that helps to clear some things up and I hope the bickering can stop. I have a copy of Clear myself obviously and it's a very good album, I hope you can all get it and enjoy it. Feel free to contact me directly if you have further questions at
Best Regards,
Shawn Gordon
ProgRock Records
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: Mo Aug 02, 2004 11:06 pm

Beitragvon Uschi » Di Aug 03, 2004 12:32 am

Shawn, I hope you will eventually overcome all problems I wish you success.
Zuletzt geändert von Uschi am Di Aug 03, 2004 9:31 am, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 1805
Registriert: So Jul 21, 2002 2:00 am

Beitragvon Anni4691 » Di Aug 03, 2004 8:57 am

Eins vorweg: Ich möchte mich nicht an dieser Diskussion beteiligen, da ich nicht involviert bin, aber eins möchte ich doch sagen was die Bezahlung im Internet angeht.

Ich muss BigBoss recht geben: Wer nicht in der Lage ist, nach einer dieser drei Methoden zu bezahlen, der hat was falsch gemacht. Da habe ich kein Verständnis für !!!

Sicher hat in der "Dienstleistungswüste Deutschland" die Kreditkarte (leider) nicht die Akzeptanz die sie verdient. Ein Umstand, den ich nie verstehen werde.....

Allerdings ist die Kreditkarte DAS Zahlungsmittel im Internet, und das nicht erst seit gestern...also ich kann nur jedem empfehlen, sich so ein Ding anzuschaffen, es erleichtert das Leben, vor allem im Ausland, ungemein. Wir in Deutschland sind da leider tiefste Provinz !!! Selbst in einem kleinen Dorf in Italien hatte ich mal ohne Kreditkarte keine Chance!!!!

Irgendwie kann ich den BigBoss verstehen, wenn er uns in Germany in dieser Beziehung für rückständig hält. Da passt der Witz mit den "lebenden Hühnern" als Bezahlung für die CD schon.. :lol:

Ein Wort zu PayPal: Ganz hervorragend, geniale und einfache Art der Zahlung. Kann ich nur empfehlen :) :) :)

P.S.: Ich freu mich auf den Herbst und viele von euch zu sehen..... ;)
Beiträge: 150
Registriert: Mo Mai 28, 2001 2:00 am
Wohnort: Germersheim

Beitragvon XWinfield » Di Aug 03, 2004 11:45 am

Soll'n wir uns jetzt wieder um die schönen Dinge im Leben kümmern? Da fällt mir ein, XW, mach hin mit die T-Shirts, dann kann ich die hier in diesem Sommer noch tragen 8) Susi hat meine Adresse :D[/quote]

Sommer in Scotland ??? wo gibt es den denn ?? ich möchte nicht die Verantwortung tragen wenn du aufgrund einer Unterkühlung dein Studium nicht weiter führen kannst und deshalb 1 Semester nachholen musst. Ich habe da meine bedenken evtl. muss ich Regressansprüche deinerseits befürchten.
Orga Team
Orga Team
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Registriert: Do Mai 17, 2001 2:00 am
Wohnort: Cologne GER

Beitragvon XWinfield » Di Aug 03, 2004 11:47 am

wo ist denn Uschi's Beitrag hin ?? der war doch eben noch da... zensiert ??? :rofl: :rofl:
Orga Team
Orga Team
Beiträge: 2588
Registriert: Do Mai 17, 2001 2:00 am
Wohnort: Cologne GER

Beitragvon Susi » Di Aug 03, 2004 12:46 pm

nein, hier wird nichts zensiert

=> Zuletzt bearbeitet von Uschi am 03 Aug 2004 09:31, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
šтуℓє « ιš, ωнαт уσυ [¢яєαтє]. ησт, ωнαт уσυ [¢σρу]
Beiträge: 6664
Registriert: So Mai 06, 2001 2:00 am
Wohnort: Germany

Beitragvon Uschi » Di Aug 03, 2004 3:24 pm

Das ist das Alter, da lassen einfach die Augen nach, kann schon mal passieren, daß man da was überließt. Nicht traurig sein XW, wie werden uns daran gewöhnen :lol:
Beiträge: 1805
Registriert: So Jul 21, 2002 2:00 am

Beitragvon Gast » Di Aug 03, 2004 6:16 pm

3. Andy posted a big letter notice on the I&W board to make sure it got your notice, not to insult anyones intelligence, but honestly at that point we've told you multiple times, in multiple ways and in multiple languages how to do it so we were getting a bit desperate on how to get the point across, so we tried again. This resulted in a bunch of smart ass comments like "what about cash" and other unhelpful things. If you want to use cash, then you will have to wait to get the regular edition at your local store when it comes available, the limited edition will NOT be available any other way than electronically at ProgRock Records.

And I'm the President of all the smart asses!
If you had any little bit of sense of Irony, you would have known that my comment
of "What about cash" was all about that ...and if you had read all my comments you would have read that Pitchman actually thanked me for my support.

I spend several thousand dollars every year for travelling to see SAGA or buying other stuff by them and then my money seems to be okay (And I pay with cash) but maybe I should quit spending my money on them if my cash ain't good enough. Just kiddin' again

I'm very sorry for Michael and Gwen, 'cause I know Michael have put his blood into this project and Gwen have done everything to please us all, but in my oppinion things are so far out in the official forum that something has to be done ...maybe a new administrator was an idea before everything falls apart for good.

Don't take my words to hard Mr. President 'cause I just like to joke and have fun ...that's what SAGAs all about for me... having a good time.

Michael I wish you sell thousands and thousands of Clear deserves it.;-)

Beitragvon Silent Knight » Di Aug 03, 2004 6:20 pm

Oops I forgot to log myself in, but it was me who wrote the reply above! ;)

Silent Knight
Beiträge: 558
Registriert: Fr Okt 04, 2002 2:00 am
Wohnort: Copenhagen / Denmark

Beitragvon Lars Bro » Di Aug 17, 2004 12:02 am

:box: SUSI RULEZ ! :frauen:

Lars Bro
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Registriert: Do Jul 10, 2003 9:36 pm
Wohnort: Billund, DK

Beitragvon Ax Slinger » Do Nov 11, 2004 12:41 pm

It isn't my place to tell you how to run your record company, Mr. Gordon. But is it possible that there were many mistakes made, and this whole thing is just a misunderstanding? You know, simple typos lead to misunderstandings... Take this statement you made at the beginning of your post:
BigBoss hat geschrieben:The choices are credit card, cash or paypal.

Then later you said this:
BigBoss hat geschrieben:This resulted in a bunch of smart ass comments like "what about cash" and other unhelpful things.

I assume you meant to say credit card, check or paypal, but that's not what it says in your post. If I had seen "cash" as a payment option, and then said I wanted to pay cash, and that was referred to as a smart ass comment, I think I would have told you to kiss my smart ass and forget all about buying anything from you again. But that's just me. I'm pretty picky about how I am treated I'm the one buying. If I don't like how a sales person talks to me, I have been known to say forget it and walk away. I excercise another choice... No Sale.

But the point is, you probably didn't even realize you typed that did you? You see, one little mistake can lead to a misunderstanding. Then how that misunderstanding is handled can either make or break the situation. It appears to me after the mistakes were made, the handling of the situation was another mistake. And then another and another, until it ended up on this forum still being handled poorly.

Now if it were me, I would try to make it up to my unhappy customers somehow. Maybe a discount or something, if they were interested. I would say "Ok, we screwed up. We're sorry for that. Now what can we do to make you happy? How can we fix this so everyone involved is treated fairly and gets what they want out of this?"

Diplomacy, professionalism, kindness, politeness, generousity, fairness... All play a huge role in business.
Ax Slinger
Beiträge: 71
Registriert: Mo Nov 01, 2004 6:03 am
Wohnort: The Lost Coast

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