Thanks For The Reviews

Thanks For The Reviews

Beitragvon inabsentia » Mi Mär 26, 2003 3:10 pm

Especially the English ones ..Mein Deutsch ist nicht zu gut ..!!

I really wanted to catch a show from the second half of the tour after seeing the shows in the UK, but work meant it had to be a Saturday night, and that wasn't possible :x I just hope we get a nice DVD of all the chapters.

Really glad to hear A.C.T are having the same effect on you all as they had here. I hope we all see them doing big headline shows of their own after this tour, and full marks to SAGA for giving them the chance-a lot of 'lesser bands' would be scared to let to let a band like A.C.T open for them in fear of being 'Blown Off' the stage!!

Here's a link to a page I've put together about the UK shows
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mi Mär 26, 2003 2:54 pm

Beitragvon Susi » Mi Mär 26, 2003 3:24 pm

Hi Inabsentia!! welcome Bild

I'm really happy to see you here :)

Thank you for your posting. I'm sure the guys from A.C.T. have a lot of new german fans after the tour ;)
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Registriert: So Mai 06, 2001 2:00 am
Wohnort: Germany

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