Drum sound on "Network"

Drum sound on "Network"

Beitragvon Michael_K » So Jun 26, 2005 6:13 pm

Hello Jim,
compared to previous albums the drums on Network sound imho tinny and dull. Was this intended or is it just the different sound of Christian's drum set?
Sound quality differs a lot between your albums. I think one of the best is "Behaviour".
Beiträge: 54
Registriert: So Jan 02, 2005 2:09 pm
Wohnort: Mönchengladbach

Beitragvon IanCrichtonFan » Mo Jun 27, 2005 6:04 pm

i allready asked this question... :D

but i think your formulation was much better than mine...:

ps: i think i know the difference: christian uses "real" drums, while steve used electronic drums, that were programmed as "real" drums....

i like "real" drums better...better than electronic drums...*gg*
i think i'm going bald! (rush, 1975)
viele grüsse david
Beiträge: 480
Registriert: Mo Nov 22, 2004 2:11 pm
Wohnort: mülheim

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