Question for the Band - what about your Other Great Hits?

Question for the Band - what about your Other Great Hits?

Beitragvon busterdog » So Okt 14, 2007 5:44 am

I have been a Saga fan for 15 years, but have never had the privilege to see you perform. I am going to be visiting the Netherlands & Germany in November, so I hope to have the opportunity to finally see SAGA live, since you rarely or never tour in the States.

My favorite SAGA albums are:
§ Behavior
§ The Security of Illusion
§ Beginner’s Guide to Throwing Shapes

(more recently:
§ Full Circle, &
§ Network )

From looking at your Live DVDs and set lists, I guess that puts me in the minority. Do you ever do concerts emphasizing these guitar-heavy glory years, as opposed to favoring your early albums?

In any case, I hope to finally join the cheering crowd in November!
Busterdog (JR from California)

PS –

1) I have not been successful in trying to get tickets to the concert at Zoetermeer Boerderij on 2 Nov, 2007. Is this date sold out? Is there any place I can ask to be notified if any tickets become available?

2) I am trying to get tickets to the show in Krefeld on 3 Nov., but there is a 34-Euro service fee to mail the tickets internationally. Is there any other way to get tickets for the Show at Krefeld? Will they hold tickets at the box office? Can I purchase them by phone?

Any ideas would be welcome!
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Sa Okt 13, 2007 11:19 pm
Wohnort: California

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