The big black hole...

Beitragvon Uschi » So Dez 05, 2004 2:48 pm

Valacar hat geschrieben:
I tried again just now, and, for whatever reason, this time, the download worked, but I loaded some strange stuff called "JAVA WEB START" including some different Application (notepad, draw, military-games). This certainly can't be the virtual machine, can it?


I'm obviously completely dull. :roll: .

No, you are nae, I'm sure Susi will help you there once she has a little bit more time again.

:o I must admit that the contents was challanging but certainly not spam..... I hope it will have an impact on you :D

Btw. Kings Crimson and Djam Karet are great - I didn't think I'd like something without "real" songs and singing and melodies - but Djam Karet creates such a great atmosphere and suspense - very nice!

Please, don't mix up tune[/i with [i]melody. Almost every kind of music has a melody but not necessarely a recognizable tune. Music without tunes are often a lot more challanging but also more rewarding once you got the hang of it.

Gotta listen to the other stuff, yet.

Me too!

Great that you pop in here. I love that :knuddel1:
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