SAGA - Now & Then - July 2015
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SAGA - Now & Then - July 2015
Im Juli kieselt edel die erste Best Of raus: ... l_1#disc_2

Disk: 1
1. The Perfectionist (von "Saga", 1978)
2. You're Not Alone (von "Images At Twilight", 1979)
3. Don't Be Late (von "Silent Knight, 1980)
4. On The Loose (von "Worlds Apart", 1981)
5. Scratching the Surface (von "Heads Or Tales", 1983)
6. Take a Chance (von "Behaviour", 1985)
7. Wildest Dreams (von "Wildest Dreams", 1987)
8. Giant (von "The Beginners Guide To Throwing Shapes", 1989)
9. The Security of Illusion (von "The Security Of Illusion", 1993)
10. Steamroller (von "Steel Umbrellas", 1994)
Disk: 2
1. Generation 13 (von "Generation 13", 1995)
2. Heaven Can Wait (von "Pleasure & The Pain", 1997)
3. The One (von "Full Circle", 1999)
4. Always There (von "House Of Cards", 2001)
5. Breathing Lessons (von "Marathon", 2003)
6. On The Air (von "Network", 2004)
7. Trust (von "Trust", 2006)
8. Book of Lies (von "10,000 Days", 2007)
9. Step Inside (von "The Human Condition", 2009)
10. Anywhere You Wanna Go (von "20/20", 2012)
11. I'll Be (von "Sagacity", 2014) ... l_1#disc_2

Disk: 1
1. The Perfectionist (von "Saga", 1978)
2. You're Not Alone (von "Images At Twilight", 1979)
3. Don't Be Late (von "Silent Knight, 1980)
4. On The Loose (von "Worlds Apart", 1981)
5. Scratching the Surface (von "Heads Or Tales", 1983)
6. Take a Chance (von "Behaviour", 1985)
7. Wildest Dreams (von "Wildest Dreams", 1987)
8. Giant (von "The Beginners Guide To Throwing Shapes", 1989)
9. The Security of Illusion (von "The Security Of Illusion", 1993)
10. Steamroller (von "Steel Umbrellas", 1994)
Disk: 2
1. Generation 13 (von "Generation 13", 1995)
2. Heaven Can Wait (von "Pleasure & The Pain", 1997)
3. The One (von "Full Circle", 1999)
4. Always There (von "House Of Cards", 2001)
5. Breathing Lessons (von "Marathon", 2003)
6. On The Air (von "Network", 2004)
7. Trust (von "Trust", 2006)
8. Book of Lies (von "10,000 Days", 2007)
9. Step Inside (von "The Human Condition", 2009)
10. Anywhere You Wanna Go (von "20/20", 2012)
11. I'll Be (von "Sagacity", 2014)
Tillmann - Beiträge: 7914
- Registriert: Mo Jul 11, 2005 7:31 pm
- Wohnort: Suhl
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