

Beitragvon Perfectionist » Mo Dez 04, 2006 4:18 am

I just returned from Pratteln and I'm totally blown away.
The night from Saturday to Sunday was pretty short and
I almost fall asleep.
The sound in Pratteln was excellent - brilliant !!!
The setlist was the same from Herxheim but without "See them smile"

So I stop here but will continue soon.

Have a good night altogether.

upwinded - catch my fall :hut:
Beiträge: 124
Registriert: So Mär 16, 2003 5:58 pm
Wohnort: Sindelfingen - Germany

Beitragvon GUDRUN » Mo Dez 04, 2006 8:04 am

Thanks :D
Das Wenige, das Du tun kannst ist viel -
wenn Du nur Schmerz und Angst und
Weh von einem Wesen nimmst.
(Albert Schweitzer)

Beiträge: 5024
Registriert: Mo Nov 07, 2005 4:09 pm
Wohnort: Germany

Beitragvon Jerry » Mo Dez 04, 2006 8:54 am

Well unfortunately most of you havn't had the chance to see such a great performance. As "Perfectionist" already wrote, sound was brilliant, the band did an outstanding job, and the setlist was the same except "See Them Smile" but I think the swiss fans have to work on Monday as well as we have....

I have to advice everybody to visit Pratteln next time and because Michael already promissed the audience that they will return next year for their 30th birthday, it won't take too long to see them there!
We'll meet again!

Beiträge: 56
Registriert: Do Nov 25, 2004 11:27 am
Wohnort: Dettenhausen (Tübingen)

Beitragvon kuschelhawk » Mo Dez 04, 2006 10:22 am

thx for this postings :D
Jerry hat geschrieben: .... they will return next year for their 30th birthday,
:roll: that would be a long, a very very long distance from Berlin ... :roll:
Come to me I will give and receive
All I need is for you to believe
Come to me I can help you feel free
Take my hand & understand that I believe
Beiträge: 14354
Registriert: Mo Jul 07, 2003 10:56 am
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitragvon Tillmann » Mo Dez 04, 2006 2:54 pm

Oh yeah! From Suhl,too :o

But Prattlen seems to be really cool!! :P

Beiträge: 7914
Registriert: Mo Jul 11, 2005 7:31 pm
Wohnort: Suhl

Beitragvon Jaiza Loris » Mo Dez 04, 2006 5:35 pm

Tillmann hat geschrieben:Oh yeah! From Suhl,too :o

But Prattlen seems to be really cool!! :P


thats rigth its really cool ;-)

i am going a lot time this year

go have a look
Jaiza Loris
Beiträge: 320
Registriert: Mo Feb 13, 2006 12:32 pm
Wohnort: Birsfelden/ Baselland

Beitragvon Tillmann » Mo Dez 04, 2006 6:02 pm

If I would live in Pratteln I also would go there a lot of times!!! :hase: :hase: :P

But I'm living in Suhl... :roll:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Beiträge: 7914
Registriert: Mo Jul 11, 2005 7:31 pm
Wohnort: Suhl

Beitragvon Jaiza Loris » Mo Dez 04, 2006 6:09 pm

Tillmann hat geschrieben:If I would live in Pratteln I also would go there a lot of times!!! :hase: :hase: :P

But I'm living in Suhl... :roll:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


wer weiss wer weiss vieleicht spielst du ja mal live in pratteln ;-)
Jaiza Loris
Beiträge: 320
Registriert: Mo Feb 13, 2006 12:32 pm
Wohnort: Birsfelden/ Baselland

Beitragvon Tillmann » Mo Dez 04, 2006 6:10 pm

:o :)

That would be great!!! :P 8)

Beiträge: 7914
Registriert: Mo Jul 11, 2005 7:31 pm
Wohnort: Suhl

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