Updates ?

Updates ?

Beitragvon Carl1 » Sa Jun 21, 2008 10:18 am

How come there are hardly any updates from the band ? It' s been 2 months since Rob got the gig and we've heard nothing about him or any real detail about future plans. I have logged on here almost daily but still no news. I have followed Saga since the beginning and have every album on vinyl and cd and the dvd's so I consider myself a devoted and diehard fan and I think it would be nice if the band gave us something to keep us going.
What songs did Rob sing at his audition and how did they decide he was the man for the job ?. That would be a good first question to start with. :D t
Beiträge: 23
Registriert: Mi Dez 26, 2007 11:28 pm
Wohnort: England

Beitragvon SAGA-NORWAY » Sa Jun 21, 2008 10:47 am

The "new" SAGA had the first gig in Mount Forrest, Canada yesterday,
and they are writing songs for the new album.
More dates this summer in Canada and European tour spring 2009 is comming...

Beiträge: 221
Registriert: Mi Aug 17, 2005 10:06 pm
Wohnort: Norway

No Updates ?

Beitragvon Carl1 » Do Jul 10, 2008 7:40 pm

Well it;'s been a few weeks since the last tiny snippet onf news on the front page and still nothing significant has come through. Come on guy's we are your loyal fans who have bought every release from the begining and stuck with you through everything.
How about some decent pics of the band ?
Some news on the direction of the new songs ?
What about some thoughts from the band on the process behind getting Rob on board ?
Beiträge: 23
Registriert: Mi Dez 26, 2007 11:28 pm
Wohnort: England

Beitragvon Social Orphan » Mo Jul 14, 2008 7:59 pm

What I am wondering about is the DVD of the final tour with Michael. Many of us signed up for the pay per view that never happened....but were told that a dvd was coming. Now there is no mention of the dvd some 7 months later. I am not complaining....please don't take it that way. Just wondering, now that Rob is in place as the new singer how do they release this dvd with Michael we had all been looking forward too? Do they make it a double disc and have Michael's last and Rob's first?
Social Orphan
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Registriert: Fr Sep 15, 2006 11:01 pm
Wohnort: Detroit

Beitragvon sagalady » Mo Jul 14, 2008 8:38 pm

Social Orphan hat geschrieben:What I am wondering about is the DVD of the final tour with Michael. Many of us signed up for the pay per view that never happened....but were told that a dvd was coming. Now there is no mention of the dvd some 7 months later. I am not complaining....please don't take it that way. Just wondering, now that Rob is in place as the new singer how do they release this dvd with Michael we had all been looking forward too? Do they make it a double disc and have Michael's last and Rob's first?

Rob's first wasn't filmed or recorded so that ain't happening. :-)
Beiträge: 394
Registriert: Sa Feb 17, 2007 4:48 am
Wohnort: Unfortunatly not in Toronto

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