Saga in a Swedish movie.

Saga in a Swedish movie.

Beitragvon sagalady » Fr Jun 19, 2009 5:45 pm

Actor Per Oscarsson has a part in a new movie currently in production. The movie title is Dolores Tystnad (Dolores' Silence). In one scene Per is wearing a Saga T-shirt, from The Human Condition tour, under a plaid shirt. Other props used were old lammies from Saga tours dating back to Heads Or Tales tour, a poster from The Human Condition tour and vinyls. Not sure the vinyls and poster are visible but shirt and lammies are.

The vinyl and lammies are mine, t-shirt and poster sponsored by Saga.
Beiträge: 394
Registriert: Sa Feb 17, 2007 4:48 am
Wohnort: Unfortunatly not in Toronto

Beitragvon Tillmann » Fr Jun 19, 2009 6:09 pm

Fantastic! :P 8)
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Registriert: Mo Jul 11, 2005 7:31 pm
Wohnort: Suhl

Beitragvon StefanvonKirchharpen » Fr Jun 19, 2009 10:33 pm

Absolutly Fantastic.... ;)
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Wohnort: Kirchharpen bei Bochum in Westfalen

Beitragvon Harmonia » So Jun 21, 2009 6:57 pm

Sagatastic!!!! :wink: :saga:
You look, good to Me.
Beiträge: 88
Registriert: Fr Mär 07, 2008 4:15 am
Wohnort: Nobleton, Ont

Beitragvon kuschelhawk » Mo Jun 22, 2009 9:29 am

Come to me I will give and receive
All I need is for you to believe
Come to me I can help you feel free
Take my hand & understand that I believe
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Registriert: Mo Jul 07, 2003 10:56 am
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitragvon ontheloose » Mo Jun 22, 2009 10:01 pm

I remember seeing the movie Pretty in Pink in the 80's and there was a scene in a record store and there was a poster on the wall advertising Saga's Worlds Apart album.

Also I saw a photo years ago of Bruce Willis wearing a Saga T-Shirt, apparently he is a huge Saga fan.
Beiträge: 26
Registriert: Mi Apr 11, 2007 5:57 pm
Wohnort: London, UK

Beitragvon Tillmann » Mo Jun 22, 2009 10:45 pm

I'd like to see a photo of Willis with Saga shirt or a text/interview where he's saying that :P :hase:
Beiträge: 7914
Registriert: Mo Jul 11, 2005 7:31 pm
Wohnort: Suhl

Beitragvon sagalady » Mo Jun 22, 2009 10:46 pm

ontheloose hat geschrieben:I remember seeing the movie Pretty in Pink in the 80's and there was a scene in a record store and there was a poster on the wall advertising Saga's Worlds Apart album.

Also I saw a photo years ago of Bruce Willis wearing a Saga T-Shirt, apparently he is a huge Saga fan.

I've heard that rumour too.
Beiträge: 394
Registriert: Sa Feb 17, 2007 4:48 am
Wohnort: Unfortunatly not in Toronto

Beitragvon sagalady » Mo Jun 22, 2009 10:49 pm

More movie news.

I've just been enlisted to be a background person in the same movie. If they allow me, I'll wear an old Heads Or Tales shirt I have in my closet.

This thing will turn in to a "spot the Saga logo" film.
Beiträge: 394
Registriert: Sa Feb 17, 2007 4:48 am
Wohnort: Unfortunatly not in Toronto

Beitragvon StefanvonKirchharpen » Mi Jun 24, 2009 8:12 am

Realy? Bruce Willis wear a SAGA t Shirt and he ist SAGA fan?????? That is fantastic.
Bruce Willis is cool since i know this he is coooooooler :eg: :hase: :hase: :hase: :hase: :hase: :hase:
anarchist reactionary running-dog revisionist
hindu muslim catholic creation/evolutionist
rational romantic mystic cynical idealist
minimal expressionist post-modern neo-symbolist
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Beiträge: 871
Registriert: Mi Mär 02, 2005 10:03 pm
Wohnort: Kirchharpen bei Bochum in Westfalen

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