Time Out

Time Out

Beitragvon Uschi » Fr Jul 01, 2005 12:25 pm

Sorry folks, but I need a break. Studies take up more time than I expected and I need to prioritize. Why ax then Saga instead of something else?

Well, simple. I was drawn in this project by Saga's music. Starting with translations on lyrics was always something that I wanted to attempt, yet in the process I realized that my knowledge is insufficient. If you don't know what I mean just crab yourself a sonnet of Shakespear and a translation of it and compare both, then take a look at my translations and you know what I mean.

Since I was anyway going to study English I reckoned I might as well postpone any dilettanti until I've got at least a reasonable idea of what I mess up :bg:

I limited myself to translating news and passing on information to other forums always in the hope to draw those people back in who were, at one time, interested in discussing music. In that respect the old Saga yahoo mailing list was a true revalation. People were reflecting on music, setting it into relation to other music and contrasting it with other genres, they were talking about the effects and the meaning.

I lived in hope that this was to achieve again, on an international basis, believing that if once the conditions would be created for such a forum, people would come in all by themselves.

Yet from my present point of view I can't see this happen, not yet anyway. Saga's current priorities seems to lie rather with lots of different things but not with their music. A glance on the new homepage speaks volumes. You find a lot of things there but not a single hint of the release of the Chapters live CD although the CD is available in the UK since the 27th of June. It's almost as no one should know about it.
I also found it amazing that Saga Germany had no mentioning of this in the news section. At one time this was at least the part of the Saga world that was a reliable source of information. And it concerns of all news those that would be of interest to all English speaking fans equally.

I guess it also escaped the attention of the new management that most links from other pages still lead to http://www.imagesandwords.info/saga/ as official homepage instead to http://www.sagaontour.com/ , which are a substantially big number of links since all reviews of the remaster date from the time when the first listed page was indeed the official homepage.

So with no promo's handed out to English language review pages and the focus on tour venues outwith the catchment area of most English speaking Saga fans there is not really anything of relvance worth reporting to English speaking fans that they couldn't obtain from the official page.

In effect there is nothing I could do at the moment to promote Saga's music and since my time is so limited that chosing to do one thing implies automatically the choice against doing another I want to give priority to really constructive activities.

I truely hope that my concerns will become redundant once the wrinkles are ironed out. Until then, have a good day :winke2:
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Registriert: So Jul 21, 2002 2:00 am

Beitragvon Harald » Fr Jul 01, 2005 1:04 pm

Orga Team
Orga Team
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Beitragvon Laeusel » Fr Jul 01, 2005 6:49 pm

Koffer tragen..... :-? :roll:
Laeusel 8-)

"Ich habe nie groß darüber nachgedacht, wie ich sterben werde.
Aber anstelle von jemandem zu sterben, den man liebt, scheint
mir ein guter Weg zu sein, um zu gehen."
Orga + Mod
Orga + Mod
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Beitragvon kuschelhawk » Mo Jul 04, 2005 8:54 am

Harald hat geschrieben::bahnhof1:
... dito ... :roll:
Come to me I will give and receive
All I need is for you to believe
Come to me I can help you feel free
Take my hand & understand that I believe
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Registriert: Mo Jul 07, 2003 10:56 am
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